
Winter Snow Removal

Fast facts:

– Piling or depositing snow that obstructs vision is a violation of Michigan’s Vehicle Code.

– Piling snow at the ends of driveways along highway shoulders and pushing snow across roads can create hazardous conditions.

– Keeping sidewalks clear is important to help people walk safely and access public transit.

December 19, 2019 — Snow in Michigan is inevitable and by working together we can make a Michigan winter safe and enjoyable for everyone. Each year we hear concerns from residents and businesses about snow piles at the ends of driveways, and snow being pushed across the road, leaving snow or slush on the road surface.            

             Michigan Vehicle Code 257.677a prohibits “the obstruction of safety vision by removal or deposit of snow, ice, or slush.” This includes the end of driveways, where banked snow can reduce visibility for vehicles trying to enter the roadway.

            “Growing piles of snow make it difficult for drivers to make sure it’s safe to pull out onto the roadway, and tough for drivers to see other vehicles waiting to pull out,” said Officer Bryce. “Our crews work to keep the roadways clear and knock down snowbanks at intersections for motorist safety, and residents and business owners need to do the same at their driveways,” added James Blum, Stanton Public Works Director.          

             It also is important to remember that local ordinances require residents and businesses to keep sidewalks clear of snow. The City of Stanton does what it can to clear snow on sidewalks within the central business district, but we’re asking for residents and businesses to help with snow removal this winter season. Mayor Williams said, “Winter can be a difficult time to get around for those on foot, so please make the extra effort to be neighborly, clear your sidewalks and help everyone stay safe.”

