Please see the City Newsletter & Service Schedule on the Publications page for dates of brush and leaf pick up. Ensure brush & limbs are roadside by 7:00 AM on the dates indicated. If you wait until the DPW has passed by before you decide to move your brush or leaves to the curb you will probably have to wait for the next scheduled date. To ensure pick up, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Tree butts should be no longer than six feet or larger than six inches in diameter and should be facing the road.
- Leaves will be vacuumed in April and October on the dates provided on the Service Schedule.
Rake leaves onto the street and then rake back to the curb or street edge to form piles for vacuuming. - Outside of the above time periods, leaves will need to be placed in clear bags.
- The DPW will not take piles created by contractors or any piles larger than 4’ high.
- Keep brush, limbs and twigs separate from leaves. Do not mix.
- No fruit, nuts or garden produce are allowed in a pile; they must be bagged separately.