
Stanton Water Supply won’t disconnect service to customers who fail to pay bills amid coronavirus concerns

Stanton, Michigan, MAR 24, 2020 – City of Stanton has suspended any disconnects to water service for customers amid coronavirus concerns.

“One of the most important safeguards for our community to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is hand-washing and other hygiene practices,” Mayor Lori Williams said. “Having access to water during this time is critical to keeping families safe and healthy.”

For now, the suspension is set to be reassessed in 30 days and another update will be provided at that time.

It is important to note that charges will continue to accrue on all active accounts. If there is a need to setup a payment plan for utility billings, customers can leave a phone message at (989) 831-4440 or email Lori Braman (clerktreasurer@stantononline.com), or Vester Davis, Jr. (citymanager@stantononline.com). For the latest updates on public health visit https://www.mmdhd.org/.

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