
OUR COMMUNITY, OUR WATER: Why Our Water Rates Are What They Are

Stanton, Michigan, NOV. 20, 2019 – In 2016, our community received grant money from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (now EGLE) to build an asset management program for our wastewater and stormwater systems. This program directly affects our utility rates.

Our community strives to be responsible with money. We try to cash-fund as many public works projects as possible in effort to minimize debt and extra expenses. If a project is vital but too expensive for cash financing, we bond the money.

Our utility rates pay for the maintenance of our water systems, such as replacing failing pipes. Now that we have an asset management program, we can plan ahead for future replacements, making sure we have the funds before the costs hit us. Anticipating what we will be spending years from now prevents financial disaster – we will always be able to pay for a clean, safe water system.


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