
Notice of Public Hearing


City of Stanton 

City Commission


The City of Stanton City Commission will hold a public hearing for Michigan Community Development Block Grant funding for the Veterans Memorial Park. 

Date: April 12, 2022

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: City Hall 

                 225 S. Camburn St. 

                 Stanton, MI 48888

The City of Stanton proposes to request $1,000,000.00 in CDBG funds to construct the second phase of Veterans Memorial Park which includes the following universally accessible, four-season improvements: Multi-purpose farmer’s market/ice rink shelter, gas fireplace, playground, baseball bleachers, restroom water/sewer upgrades, site amenities, paving existing parking lot and trail connection to the Fred Meijer Hartland Trail and site amenities. The improvements proposed in this grant would not be possible with traditional parks and recreation funds and will benefit at least 51% low-to-moderate income persons. No residents will be displaced as a result of the proposed activities and we are hopeful that the project will accelerate the personal and financial restoration for our community following the pandemic.

Further information, including a copy of City of Stanton’s Concept Plan and CDBG application is available for review.  To inspect the documents, please contact City Clerk via email at rcoffey@stantononline.com or review at Stanton City Hall. 

Citizens are welcome to review all information regarding the City of Stanton’s performance in prior CDBG programs funded by the State.

Citizen views and comments on the proposed application are welcome.

Written comments may be submitted in lieu of or in addition to a personal appearance. Written comments must be submitted to the City Clerk via email at rcoffey@stantononline.com or sent to the following address:


City Clerk

Stanton City Hall

P.O Box 449

225 S Camburn St.

Stanton, MI 48888

Written comments must be received no later than the beginning of the public hearing.

Rachael Coffey

City Clerk 



Individuals requesting reasonable accommodations for impairments or disabilities should contact the City Clerk no later than 48 hours prior to the public hearing.