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Mayor & Commission review possible projects

Courtesy of The Daily News
By Elisabeth Waldon

STANTON — The Stanton City Commission is considering the feasibility of constructing a pedestrian bridge and pathway to connect the Fred Meijer Heartland Trail with the recently redeveloped D. Hale Brake Park.loc-0208-ew-Stanton-trail

A new bridge and pathway would be just the latest in a series of improvements to the park, which has recently rehabilitated basketball courts, tennis courts, baseball fields and a new playground structure.

“It is the missing link,” said City Manager James Freed. “We have no sidewalks or paths to our current park. This would address those walking concerns. Plus, it would make easy access to the school complex using the trail, which many kids do.”

D. Hale Brake Park is located on South Lincoln Street in Stanton. The park bears the name of Michigan’s former state treasurer who served from 1943 to 1954 and who had connections to Stanton.

According to Freed, the proposed bridge and pathway would connect the ballfields and over the creek. The project would cost between $50,000 and $60,000 and would be paid for by the general fund.

Stanton City Commissioner John Kroneck said the idea of connecting the Meijer trail with the city park was an idea generated several years ago when a group of Stanton citizens met to lay out plans for the city’s park system.

“The bridge provides an invitation for people to rest, have lunch and enjoy our park,” Kroneck said. “With the Meijer Trail being used as much as it is, we are being remiss if we don’t extend a welcoming hand to those using the trail.

“It is also in our minds to see what we can do to have Stanton be a bike-friendly community,” he added. “That is, instead of a pass through spot on the trail, people could plan an excursion through Stanton. We have already installed bike racks along Main Street.”

The city commission will address the proposal at the next regular meeting, scheduled for Feb. 25.

“This is just one of the possible developments the community may see next year,” Freed noted.

Three years ago, a community committee sent the city commission a proposed parks and recreation plan with various proposed improvements. The city commission has acted on several of those recommendations in the last 24 to 36 months, according to Freed.

“This time of year, it is exciting to have a general discussion with the mayor and commission and various community groups about what our goals should be,” Freed said. “The mayor and commission have been addressing a lot of issues these last few years, and they take a lot of time to research and investigate new proposals. That’s what this time is used for.”

The commission will also review the current status of water and sewer projects and capital improvement plan projects slated for next year, focusing on asset management and increasing access to city services.

Call Stanton City Hall at (989) 831-4440 for more information about upcoming projects.