
Are you interested in serving your City?

Are you interested in serving your City?


The City of Stanton currently has one seat available on the Planning Commission. This Commission meets the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm. 


If you are interested please fill out the application and return it to City Hall. https://stantononline.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Board-Commission-Application-PDF-.pdf


What is the Planning Commission?


The Planning Commission provides community leadership on local planning and development policy.  It is an appointed body that advises the legislative body(city commission) on planning matters. It is also responsible to prepare a master plan,(last done in December of 2018), which influences the regulations and standards in the zoning ordinance and any future change to it. The Planning Commission is made up of 7 members, and is appointed by the City Commission.


Once an individual is appointed to the Planning Commission, training is provided through MSU Extension Citizen Planner course.